The Seventh Year Release

Deu.15:2-4 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD’S release. Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release; Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it:

In our New Testament starter packet for studying line on line is a chart that depicts how we have many spiritual accounts. The chart shows the various spiritual works at all different levels of completion. As we grow up all of the elements in our spiritual body grow at different rates as they come into play and are exercised. As we exercise our faith it grows. As we exercise zeal it grows. The explanation is that it is like having multiple banks accounts, one for each spiritual element. We work to grow each account until it is full for our particular spiritual body. We learn that our account of faith can even be transferred into other accounts. In Romans 4 and James 2 we see how Abraham was long on faith and short on righteousness so God switched some of his faith into righteousness to help him out (Jam 2:23). The explanation is simple to make the concept easy to understand, but the application of it is much more fluid than this.

Included in the Moses law was the concept of the seventh year release. It is the basis for the practice of indentured servitude. The seventh year release describes how all debts small and large were forgiven every seven years. When a person had some kind of need and had to take on debt they would agree with someone else to work for them as a servant or a slave for the price of the loan. However, the time limit on this was seven years or more exactly until the year of release which came around every seven years. This was God’s provision as a righteous way to support the poor so that they would be able to have what they needed with a way to earn it and the promise of freedom from the debt at the end.

Within this provision is a very cool set of spiritual pictures that explain how spiritual growth takes place and the integral part that interest plays. God pictures our spiritual growth as a process that occurs over the course of seven creative days. We gather and add to our spiritual body through the first six and a half days, then there is a period of time when the elements fuse together to become a working whole which brings us into the seventh creative day with a completed spiritual body. As we grow spiritually we gather God’s word and spirit through our interactions with our teachers, preachers, discernment vessels and each other. When we work with someone in a provider role by teaching or giving discernment, etc God gives us insights about the topic we’re covering (Mat 24:28). God can provide connections to other ideas, deeper understanding, wider application of the ideas or additional spirit. This is the way we gain interest. When we preach or sow seeds the simple act of exercising the information causes our utterance and anointing to grow. That is interest. As we work together we effectively borrow from each other’s spiritual works as they are exercised and everyone involved grows. Once our growth is complete we no longer need to borrow, but whatever interest is generated can be kept by the other person. That’s what happens in the seventh year release, pictured by the phrase “Every creditor that lendeth aught unto his neighbor shall release it”. When we’re grown we no longer need the interest so it goes to the other person. Once everyone is grown there will be no more poor among us because everyone will be complete and nobody will be lacking in growth.

So the process is that when we learn from others working with us we gain knowledge and spirit. When we give our time and effort to help others we gain interest in the way of God adding new and deeper layers of word, spirit or understanding until we have everything to make our spiritual body complete. Then the rest goes to others. Nothing is wasted and everyone is served what they need.

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